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The information on this site is published so that you and others can read about our products. Content copying may be good advertising for us, but please ask us before you copy and publish photos from this site (The Amazon Secret). We wouldn’t want you to violate any 3rd party’s rights.
Jan Yttereng
Some of the content included in this site, including but not limited to text, graphics or code is copyrighted under the Universal Copyright Convention (UCC), and is the property of The Amazon Secret (sorze4 AS, Norway).
The information on this website, including but not limited to text, images, audio, video, or code is Copyright © sorze4 AS 2008-2018 and may not be reproduced, republished, distributed, displayed, sold, transferred or modified without written permission from The Amazon Secret (sorze4 AS).
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In some photos on this site, paid models are used. The terms & conditions for their work do not include, or allow any use of photos, of their person, where they are the object. Without a written permission from The Amazon Secret (sorze4 AS), photos where the model is recognizable may not be saved (except in your browser’s cache), or used.
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