Amazon Secret Natural Energy
August 13, 2020
The Amazon
August 22, 2022

This was intended as a limited edition, but on demand and upon request from the MMA fighter Tony Fox, we’ll do it again.

Has as much caffeine as other energy drinks

But we made it natural. No synthetic caffeine. No artificial sweetener. We made it with caffeine from green tea and did of course use our own natural sweetener, Claudia Münch JustSweet. We made this very special Energy drink for the MMA fighter Tony Fox. Drinks like Red Bull and Monster gave him a heartbeat and an energy crash after a while. That’s what sugar and synthetic caffeine do.

The Amazon Secret is a more natural Energy drink

We try do make all our products as natural as possible. With the real fruits, or real ingredients from the nature. We like it and our customers like it.


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