In connection with sponsoring MMA Champion, Tony Fox,we have created an energy drink that will have what you find in most energy drinks on the market, […]
We have entered into a sponsorship agreement with Mixed Martial Art Champion Tony Fox (Antonio Roberto da Costa Rodrigues) as 21. (2020) Venator Fighting Championship […]
7 products will be launched in Brazil! 5 prebiotic low-calorie instant beverages in The Amazon Secret®, serie, and 2 of the Claudia Münch® JustSweet™ products, the natural low-calorie prebiotic […]
For some time we have been developing instant versions of the Amazon Secret(s). Since powdered fruits, the availability of good products has been limited, it has […]
Artificial sweeteners are non-biodegradable, are not metabolized, so anyone wanting to preserve and protect the nature, should stay away from any product sweetened with artificial sweeteners […]
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